With the development of technology in the cosmetology industry, some salon procedures are becoming available at home. For example, devices with infrared radiation and microcurrents to tone the skin or mesorollers for mesotherapy to moisturize the skin and nourish it from the inside. If infrared light and microcurrents are considered safe rejuvenation techniques, then a mesoscooter seems to many to be a risky device, because its use involves injuring the top layer of skin in order for beneficial substances to penetrate inside.
How dangerous is a mesoscooter at home and how to use this gadget with minimal risks? Its affordable price makes it a very attractive device for rejuvenation, so let's look at its specifics and contraindications.
What is a mesoscooter?
A mesoscooter, or dermaroller, is a cosmetic device with a roller on which microscopic needles are located. Upon contact with the skin, due to pressure, the mesoscooter pierces the upper layer of the epidermis, ensuring the penetration of the serum into the deeper layers of the skin compared to the superficial application of the care product. In salon cosmetology, the mesoscooter has long been used as a gadget for moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. Due to damage, the process of tissue regeneration starts, so that even when using the device without auxiliary serum, the skin tightens and becomes more elastic.

What is the principle of operation of a mesoscooter?
The principle of operation of the mesoscooter is controlled damage: if you use the device in a salon, then the specialist, depending on the condition of your skin, will select the size and length of the needles, the force of pressure and the type of nourishing serum or cocktail of several serums that will be involved in the process. In fact, peelings work on a similar principle: if it is a mechanical peeling, for example with coffee cake, or a chemical peeling with acids, both of them are aimed at removing the top layer of skin and starting regeneration processes after slight injury to the epidermis.

How does a home mesoroller differ from a professional one?
There are two types of mesoscooters - professional and home. Among the professional ones, there are also more advanced models connected to a computer, which itself programs the pressure and depth of penetration of the needles into the skin. The needle length of such devices can be up to 3 mm, and the procedure must be performed by a certified cosmetologist or dermatologist with preliminary superficial anesthesia. The home mesoroller has much shorter needles: from 0. 2 mm for the lips and the area around the mouth and eyes to 0. 5 mm for other areas of the face, including the neck and décolleté. Household gadgets only affect the very top layer of skin and, as a rule, do not damage the surface until blood appears. The smaller the roller of the mesoscooter, the easier it is to use it on delicate areas, such as the area above the lips. Wider rollers are used on the forehead and décolleté.

What is more effective – a mesoscooter or injections?
Question number one: is it worth waiting for a miracle? Compared to injections, a homemade mesoscooter does not penetrate so deeply into the skin to deliver all the useful cosmetic components there. But its cost is so affordable that, unlike salon procedures, everyone can afford a mesoscooter. With regular use, you can count on smoothing the skin texture, reducing pores and overall improving the texture of the skin due to its compaction. The mesoscooter shows good results when working with post-acne: regular controlled traumatization of the integument triggers renewal processes, and the skin at the site of scars is smoothed out.

How to use a mesoscooter at home?
It is necessary to use a mesoscooter in a course of several repeated procedures, for example, four days in a row followed by a week-long recovery period for the skin. Before use, the gadget must be treated with an antiseptic, and the skin must be cleaned of makeup and other contaminants. First of all, apply the serum to your face using a cotton pad or drop method, and then connect the mesoscooter: massage it along the same lines that you usually roll a quartz roller for the face, 4-5 times in each direction. You will notice the effect - redness of the skin, but you definitely shouldn’t let it bleed. The mesoscooter does not last for years because the microscopic needles quickly deform, so after 2-3 months of active use you need to either change the roller or buy a new gadget.

What product should I use with the mesoscooter?
To experience the most effective effect of a mesoscooter, enhance it with a nourishing serum: it can be moisturizing, rejuvenating, or helping in the fight against pigmentation. A popular component for mesotherapy is hyaluronic acid, and additional ingredients and vitamins are usually added to it. A month before starting to use the mesoscooter, take a course of retinol to prepare the skin, completely avoid peeling and scrubs during the procedure, and whenever you leave the house, do not forget about sunscreen with SPF 50. Immediately after the massage with the mesoscooter, you can apply moisturizer or bepanthento calm the skin, but it’s better to wait with makeup until the redness goes away.

Contraindications for using a mesoscooter
The device is used on clean skin without active inflammation in the form of herpes, rashes or pimples and is not recommended for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. If you have problem skin, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist in advance. It is better to hold off on using a mesoscooter if you are simultaneously taking antibiotics, anticoagulants or hormonal drugs, doing peeling, laser hair removal, Botox or other injections. Injured skin forces our body to work harder, so you should not use a mesoscooter during a cold, an infectious disease, or during pregnancy.